Injuries of Civilians 30-01-2015

– Dozens of citizens were suffocated on Friday afternoon, when the occupation forces suppressedNi’linpeaceful march, northwest of Ramallah and Al Bireh.The occupation forces suppressed the march, which was launched to condemn the continued detention of the little girlMalakAl-Khatib, and to condemn the settlement and the construction of the wall.

– The occupation forces assaulted the two young men Tariq Abdullah Abdul Rauf, and Abdullah Mohammed Theibby beating after detaining them for more than two hours at the checkpoint of Beit Rima village northwest of Ramallah.

– A child was woundedwith live ammunition, and dozens of people were suffocated when the occupation forces suppressedAn-Nabi Saleh weekly peaceful march that launched to reject the Israeli attacks against the children of Palestine because of being targeted, killed and arrested.The latest of which id the imprisonment of the little girl MalakAl-Khatib, from Peten village, east of Ramallah for two months.

– The occupation forces suppressed Al-Ma’sara weekly march today and prevented the participants from reaching the confiscated land.This march launched to denounce the settlement expansion on the territory of the villages south of Bethlehem and depriving farmers from reaching their land in a policy aimed at annexing this land for the benefit of the settlement expansion.

– A number of citizens were suffocated yesterday evening, during clashes with the Israeli troops in Athahr area adjacent to the of “KarmiTsur” settlement, south of Beit Ummar town.

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