Jerusalem: A number of settlers stormed, on Sunday morning, Al Aqsa Mosque, from Al-Mughrabi Gate, amid calls of the supporters “Temple Groups” to violate it during the Hebrew ‘Hanuka’, which starts today and ends next Thursday. An enhanced force of the occupation police escorting the settlers, through provocative tours inside Al-Aqsa’.
Jerusalem: Israeli forces erected today, barriers and iron barricades near the main external gates of Al-Aqsa, to stop worshipers and check their ID cards, and to inspect the women’s handbags provocatively.
Jerusalem: The settlement organization of what so called ‘Temple Trustees’ called for a large march from Jerusalem’s Old City heading towards the Al-Mughrabi Gate to break into Al-Aqsa Mosque promptly at 9:00, in the third day of Hanukah, which falls on Tuesday.