Checkpoints – Travel Ban & Curfew

Military Checkpoints 06-08-2014

IDF stormed the town of Beer Nabala and erected a military checkpoint. IDF erected a checkpoint at the entrance of Jabaa town and hindered the movement of citizens. IDF erected a checkpoint at the entrance of Qarawat Bani Hassan town …


Curfew 03-08-2014

The occupation forces stormed Turmus A’yya town and delivered a number of citizens notifications to review their intelligence. They also stormed Qarawa Bani Zeid village. The occupation forces stormed Jamma’in town and carried out patrols. The occupation forces stormed Nahalin …


منع سفر للخارج 02-08-2014

منعت قوات الاحتلال عشرات الفلسطينيين من سكان مدينتي الخليل وطولكرم من السفر إلى الخارج دون معرفة الأسباب.وكان الاحتلال منعهم من السفر حتى أمس وعندما عادوا اليوم منعوا مرة أخرى ومعظمهم يعملون في الخليج. العديد منهم يعملون خارج فلسطين وفي دول …


Military Checkpoints –25-07-2014

The northern entrance to the town of A’zzun witnessed violent confrontations between citizens and the occupation forces, which has shut down the main entrance of the town, while the Israeli soldiers detained dozens of people at the entrances to town, …
