Raids in PA Territories

Incursions 05-30-2015

Hebron: Israeli forces raided several neighborhoods Hebron and At-Thahriyya town, and erected military checkpoints at the northern entrance to Hebron, “Jouret Bahlas”, and the entrances to Halhul and Seir towns; they stopped vehicles and searched them. Bethlehem: A security source …


Incursions 29-05-2015

Hebron: Israeli occupation forces raided on Friday a number of districts in Beit Ummar town in Hebron governorate, and searched the houses of the citizens there. Jenin: The Israeli occupation forces stormed Yamoun town and raided a house in Jenin …


Raids 24-5-2015

Bethlehem: IOF raided a number of houses in the town of Taqou’ near Bethlehem owned by the brothers Ibrahim Yousef al-Shaer, Majed al-Shaer and Radi al-Shaer. No arrestes were reported during the raid. Jenin: IOF raided the town of Beer …


Incursions 23-05-2015

Hebron: The occupation forces stormed Khirbet Tarama in Dura town, south of Hebron this morning, and searched a house belonging to Ahmed Amer Jad Allah, and tampered with its contents. Hebron: Israeli forces raided several neighborhoods in Hebron and Bani …


Incursions 22-05-2015

Hebron: Occupation forces stormed Hebron city, south of the West Bank, and tightened its arbitrary procedures, sources said that the occupation forces stormed the city and tightened its presence in different neighborhoods in the city, and raided a house belonging …


Raids 20-5-2015

Nablus: IOF raided the town of Beet Foreek near Nablus and delivered a number of citizens notices to review the Israeli intelligence. Jenin: IOF raided a house owned by Adnan Fayez Bzour and interrogated its residents.


Raids 19-5-2015

Hebron: IOF stormed a number of houses in Hebron, among them is one owned by the journalist Abed al-Hafeez Halshamoun. Bethlehem: IOF raided the town of Khader and searched agricultural lands.


Raids 17-5-2015

Jenin: Occupation forces handed over today at dawn, a citizen from Sanur village, south of Jenin, a communication to review the intelligence in Salem camp, and raided another house, sources said that the occupation forces handed over Eyad Fathi A’iash …


Raids 16-5-2015

Jerusalem: The occupation forces stormed, yesterday evening, Silwan town and fired sound bombs, toxic tear gas and rubber bullets very heavily at youths causing suffocation to dozens of citizens, and about 15 young people were injured with metal coated rubber …
