On September 4, 2007, B’Tselem sent a strongly worded speech to the head of the occupation government, the minister of the army, the minister of justice and the so-called head of the civil administration, warning that the planned demolition of the communities of Susya and Khan al-Ahmar is a war crime and that if implemented they bear personal responsibility over its implementation.
B’Tselem has taken this unusual action following the comments of Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who told reporters last week that “the army is preparing to evacuate two Palestinian towns that were built in the areas of C – (Palestinian Susya and the Khan Ahmar). ” The planning action is scheduled to take place within few months of the evacuation.
In Khan al-Ahmar, there is a gathering located on the in Israeli territory allocated to expand the Ma’aleh Adumim settlement. There are 21 families containing 146 people, including 85 children and boys. There is also a mosque and a school established in 2009, attended by more than 150 students between the ages of 6 and 15, some of them from other communities in the region.
There are 32 families in Susia, comprising some 200 people, including 93 children and boys. The council building has a clinic, a small kindergarten and a school from grades 1 to 9, with 55 students.