More than 220 girls, from al-Luban al-Sharqeyah Secondary School for Girls, south of Nablus, walk two kilometers every day to reach their school, which is located directly on the main Ramallah-Nablus street.
From the classrooms and the school yard, the houses of the “Eli” and “Maali Levon” settlements are visible. The close distance between Eli settlement and the school has a psychological impact on the students who are angered by this huge gathering of settlers, crawling towards the land of their village.
Such a settlement complex gives happiness only to the extremist settlers who run wild against the locals and their properties at any time they please.
While students at Al-Laban – al-Sawiya secondary school for boys, 3 km away from the village, are subjected to almost daily violations and harassment of Israeli soldiers and settlers, ranging from shootings, gas and sound bombs, chasings, arrests and detentions.
The students in these schools learn quickly the meaning of occupation, the settlement and the settlers. They don’t grow up until they learn all of this, or to listen to the news about them. They are always on headlines, and their first lesson is how to avoid soldiers and settlers.
Every week, their parents intervene to rescue their children, and free them from the teeth of the settlers and the rifles of the soldiers. Many parents are compelled to leave their work, or not to go to work, only to protect their children and secure them, especially when the situation in the field is tense.