By: Dr. Ramzi Odeh
Secretary General
The International Academic Campaign Against Israeli Occupation & Apartheid.
Translation of: Hiba Baidoun
Israel escalated its use of smart weapons in a way that raises fears and suspicion about the expansion of its aggressive ability against Palestinian civilians. These weapons are used in targeting, assassinating and in hunting down wanted Palestinians in their whereabouts, at their homes, in the streets of camps, villages and Palestinian cities. Smart weapons are equipped with sensors that closely monitor Palestinian targets, after the algorithms’ evaluation of complex environmental factors, such as: wind speed, distance, geographical and demographic barriers. They can also be programmed to release tear gas, sound bombs, bullets and rockets on Palestinians in the West Bank. Moreover, the occupation forces utilize Red Fox Systems to monitor the movement of Palestinians, and to put their face data at digital database that tracks and restricts their mobility among Palestinian cities.
The occupation army also uses drones to carry out attacks and launch rockets at Palestinian homes and cars. In this context, according to (Euro news) website, Michel Moore, CEO of Smart Shooter company, says: “We are trying to achieve two main goals, the first one is to protect our soldiers, and the second is to reduce risks and help soldiers in difficult situations, including relieving psychological pressure on them”.
In fact, the use of smart weapons can be useful in wars against armies, but in the Palestinian case, it causes real disasters among civilians, and this explains the increase in the number of Palestinian martyrs to thousands in the Gaza wars and the invasions of West Bank cities and camps. The reason for increased risk is due to the poor training among the occupation army on the use of these weapons, the absence of the human element in risk analysis, in addition to the complexity of the conflict environment in a very narrow geography. In conclusion, these weapons should not fall into the hands of idiots, even if they were smart weapons.
On the other hand, the possession of these weapons by Zionist Jews in Israel – which is the occupying power in the occupied Palestinian territories – makes them a major tool in the continuation of the Israeli occupation of the occupied Palestinian territories, and are used to strengthen the apartheid regime in it, and are also used systematically to train settlers on targeting Palestinian farmers and on aggression on their lands.
Additionally, the occupation forces test these weapons on Palestinian civilians, which explains the multiplication of Israeli arms sales in the last decade, to reach about $12.5 billion in the year 2022.
In conclusion, the world must restrict the utilization of these smart weapons, as the idiots make them like puppets and cannot control them, and the Jewish Zionists consider them a tool of psychological discharge and overcoming the Holocaust trauma and religious persecution. In brief, they are weapons that are not valid for idiots or Zionists.