Jerusalem: The occupation forces arrested today at dawn, at least six citizens, from different parts of the occupied city of Jerusalem, and took them to detention and investigation centers in the holy city, known of them: Uday and Iyad Ghaith, 16 years, from Silwan town, south of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the young Abdul Rahman Al-Zeer, from Qalandia refugee camp, north of Jerusalem.
Hebron: Israeli forces arrested Mohammed Hussein Hamidat, from Bani Naim town, and took him to an unknown destination, and tightened its blockade on the town along with the town of Yatta, and closed all its entries.
Nablus: Israeli forces arrested today at dawn a citizen from Nablus, after raiding his home in Al-Makhfiyya district. Sources reported that Israeli forces arrested Shurahabeel Ahmed Awwad, 31 years, after raiding his house in Al-Makhfiyya neighborhood in Nablus city.
Tubas: Israeli special units arrested last night, a citizen from Tubas city. Sources said that the Israeli special units arrested the young man U’bada Daraghmeh from a public Street in the city center.