In light of the continuous violations against human rights of Palestinians by the Occupations’ army and military courts, the case of Givati-brigades soldier, who shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian child Othman Rami Heles in 13 of July 2018, came to …
Details22Israeli violations against journalists in August 2019
The report of the Palestinian News and Information Agency “Wafa” documented in August this year many injuries and arrests were carried out by the Israeli occupation army against Palestinian media and freedom of expression, 22 violations were against journalists. 11 …
Details(150) violation against the media committed by the occupation during the first half of 2019
The Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA) issued a report on violations of media freedoms in Palestine during the first half of this year 2019. The report indicates 150 attacks committed by the Israeli occupation authorities during the …
Details25 Israeli violations against Palestinian journalists during May 2019
Continuing of the Israeli occupation policy to target journalists in order to conceal the truth of violations they are committing against the Palestinians, contrary to international laws and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which gives journalists the freedom to …
DetailsOccupation Killed 3 Daughters of Palestinian Doctor Abu Al-Eish and Refused to Compensate Him
An Israeli military court refused on 3-12-2018 to compensate Palestinian Doctor Izz al-Dein Abu Al-Eish, who worked in the Israeli hospital of “Shiab”, and whim 3 daughters were killed during an air strike in Gaza in 2009. As a result …
Details33 Israeli violations against journalists in last September
The Palestinian News and Information Agency (Wafa) reported 33 violations against journalists in the Palestinian territories by the Israeli occupation authorities during September 2018. The report confirmed that the Israeli occupation forces continue to target Palestinian journalists deliberately, as part …
DetailsThe So-Called “Temple Mount” movements Call on Jews to Celebrate Israel’s “Independence Day” Inside Al-Aqsa Mosque
Violations in occupied Jerusalem In continuation of violating Islamic sanctities adopted by Israel in the occupied city of Jerusalem, what is so-called the “General Assembly of movements of the Temple Mount” published a post calling Jews to celebrate the “70th …