Jerusalem- Nine youths were injured with rubber-coated metal bullets, as well as cases of suffocation due to inhalation of large amounts of tear gas in violent clashes in the occupied town of Ar-Ram. The occupation forces used live ammunition, rubber bullets, tear gas, and stun grenades very heavily against the youths and towards the cars passing on the main Jerusalem Ramallah Street.
Hebron- The occupation forces suppressed a peaceful march organized by the Popular Committees against the Wall and settlement south of the West, to protest against the continued closure of the road linking between Surif and Jab’a towns, northwest of Hebron, and to protest against the occupation attacks in Jerusalem. The Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun grenades and gas towards the participants, which led to the injury of eight people with suffocation. The occupation forces attacked a number of participants by beating them with rifle butts, and fired sound and gas bombs at them causing the injury of a number of them with suffocation.